We are raw & real. Tough & tender. Scared & sacred.
We are grit, grace, & every gasp between.
We are The Phoenix Soul.

We rise from the ashes of shame, regret, doubt, and fear. We choose to emerge. To be reborn with every breath. To embrace our daily transformation with the holy howl of yes.

We protect the divine spark smoldering at our core.
We embrace the wilderness of our hearts.

We believe we are brave, even/especially when we are falling apart. We seek the sacred in our everyday, peering closer when daily dust obscures our vision. We honor vulnerable truth because it saves our sanity. We practice determined gratitude, even when we must grit our teeth. We insist on joy (because surely it is our holy birthright).

You are braver than you know (even/especially when you are falling apart).

You are braver than you know (even/especially when you are falling apart).

Hello, kindred. I'm Amanda Fall: creator, curator, & gatherer of good.

Hello, kindred. I'm Amanda Fall: creator, curator, & gatherer of good.

I believe in the power of love notes. Gentle reminders: you are, I am, we are loved.

I believe in the power of love notes. Gentle reminders: you are, I am, we are loved.

In these wildly vibrant pages and in our broader community of kindred, we choose to honor our most tender truths. 

We fear not our own undoing (how else will we be free?).
We speak love into hidden hurts. We rise.

We hold gentle, safe, sacred space for you + me + we.

We are phoenix.

Fear not your (un)known or the unknowing of all you once held dear: eureka waits here, in the stillness beneath fear’s flutter, in your willingness to light a candle & face your dark.
— Amanda Fall, Discover (issue 35)

vibrant art. intimate interviews. gaspworthy poetry.
hand-painted pages. handwritten love notes.
revealing essays. soul-stirring prompts.

Each issue offers:

  • 60 vibrant pages of art + heart (on hand-painted backgrounds) in PDF instant download

  • handwritten love notes from me to you

  • intimate interviews (including feature Soul Rise Stories interviews with creatives such as Melody Ross, Christine Mason Miller, Robert Lee Brewer, & many more)

  • gaspworthy poetry, revealing essays, inspiring creative prompts, thoughtful flash fiction, evocative artwork

  • interactive features with phoenix kindred (pulled from our Facebook & Instagram community)

  • a soul-centered theme, seeking beauty & blessing in our everyday lives (even/especially among our bumps & bruises)

[Phoenix] sings to me, to my heart, to my soul. Pages of color, artfully and soulfully designed. A wonderful source of inspiration and mirror of truth.
— Maya Zaido

I'm Amanda Fall: creator, editor, and publisher of the Phoenix Soul. I am a gatherer of good. Sacred-seeker. Joy-finder. Heart-on-her-sleever.

My mission:

Speak love into hidden hurts.

Find the intersection of Spirit and self, where healing waits.

Connect and commune with kindred, in that startling space where we are so alike, despite any surface differences.

And let love, love, love be my anthem.

Click here to learn more about me.

The Phoenix Soul has featured countless soulful creatives, including:

Feature interviewees:

rachel awes; Liz Lamoreux; Vivienne McMaster; Lacy Clark Ellman (A Sacred Journey); Donni Webber (The Magic Onions); Hali Karla; erica simpson; Andrea Schroeder; Robert Lee Brewer; Melody Ross; Christine Mason Miller; Mandy Steward & Teresa Robinson (joint interview); Christa Gallopoulos; Liv Lane; Rachelle Mee-Chapman; Brandy Walker; Violette Clark; Wendy Brightbill; Katie Clemons; many more

Artists, writers, teachers, chefs, musicians, etc.:

Ronna Detrick; Catina Jane Gray; Mary Wangerin; Jodi Bond; Carissa Paige; Samantha Kira Harding; Aimee Dolich; Kelly Barton; Leah Cherry; Heather Plett; Samantha Reynolds; Flora Bowley; Amanda Oaks; Jenn Gibson; Hannah Marcotti; Tara Mohr; Tanya Geisler; George H. Northrup; Beryl Young; Jodi Chapman; Mary Freeman; Lisa Sonora Beam; Deb Taylor; Kolleen Harrison; Art Heifetz; Lisa Wilson; many more

The Phoenix Soul is ad-free and reader-supported, proudly celebrating the indie spirit. We are dedicated to our mission of hope, healing, and kinship in everyday life. And you? You are the reason. Thank you for rising with us.