Bridges: W. Arnold Yasinski

Bridges: W. Arnold Yasinski

by W. Arnold Yasinski

Bridges always lead to something 
more. Looking over the rail high 
above the water scares me, so I do it 

until fear and reticence turn to thrill. 
A science fair project, thinking I can 
figure out the Seven Bridges of Königsberg 

by being good at mazes and puzzles. 
Failing. A Boy Scout bridge I don’t think 
I can build from rope and logs, but do. 

Songs like “Seven Bridges Road” and
“Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Movies I like—
The Bridge on the River Kwai—and some 

I don’t. I paint stones, arches, spans, cables. 
An obsession to ignore or pick at? A clue 
in the conundrum of Königsberg and what 

can’t stay crossed. Do it again. Over, back. 
Make them go somewhere. Separate from 
what’s below. Meld fear, confusion, comfort. 

Stay connected, keep crossing over.

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