Gathering : : in the endings & the beginnings

Gathering : : in the endings & the beginnings

May you feel loved
without reservation

your wild, your wobbly,
your raw, your real,
your grit, your grace.


Beloved, you can always be-loved here, in this sanctuary of hope & healing.

Some see ending.
I see beginning.

After a year that's rocked me to my core, tearing up my old definitions & leaving me to rename, redefine, restore . . . I can think of nothing more right and real than the rebirth Sprout online magazine is currently undergoing.

The Phoenix Soul is currently being born. In honor of messy grace & the raw/real, I am midwifing this rebirth live. In process. Because our in-betweens are sacred. Because every stumbling step matters. Because our real is what makes life worth living.

I'm currently:

  • celebrating the release of Sprout: Gather
  • pouring love into Sprout: Witness (releasing December 15, 2014)
  • trying not to turn all my eager attention to The Phoenix Soul before she is/I am ready! Rebirth is a process. I must be patient, gentle, open, willing. If all goes as planned, our January issue will mark the ending/beginning . . . our becoming The Phoenix Soul. The heart of my mission & the magazine will always honor the life principles that have brought us here; we aren't leaving anything behind, but rather becoming a braver, bolder, more vulnerable, more true version of ourselves (my own wish in life--here, there, everywhere)
  • oh, and sipping lots of coffee; lighting sweet-smelling candles; smoothing on the last luxurious lotion (a gift from my sweet departed)
  • shaking up/reshaping/restoring home with my beloved, seeing our dear little home with eyes of gentle attention and fresh possibility

How are you today, dear one?

I am sending you love. And love. And love.

Your fellow phoenix,

she wasn't alone : : Healing He[art]s

she wasn't alone : : Healing He[art]s

New issue: GATHER

New issue: GATHER